Regulations and Articles of Association

Regulations and Articles of Association

The statutes of our association can be requested from the board:

House rules

House rules supplement the statutes and lay down more practical matters. We are currently working on internal rules (our club did not have these before) and after approval by the KNLTB this will be presented to the members for approval at the first possible opportunity.

safe tennis

HLTC Nieuw Marlot naturally wants everyone to be able to play tennis in a safe environment and wants to prevent transgressive behaviour. All our volunteers, supervisors and officials must therefore sign the rules of conduct as drawn up by the KNLTB. See the KNLTB website for the applicable rules of conduct. Our tennis teachers and coaches who may work with our youth members also have a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG).


The rules of conduct apply to everyone: all members (seniors and juniors), employees, volunteers, trainers and other external parties. If, however, there is evidence of transgressive behavior (such as bullying, aggressive behavior or sexual intimidation – something that can occur among both youth players and adults), a confidential counselor can play an important role. You can then contact one of the confidential advisers of the KNLTB. For more information and contact details, see the KNLTB website .